Escape Your Matrix
How to Master The Game of Life by Anna Berger

Read the Chapter 1 for FREE
What if you discovered that from day one of your life, your mind has been coded like a computer program to keep returning you to a state of fear, anxiety and stress?
What if you realized that the first seven years of your life had shaped EVERYTHING you do today and through this ‘hypnotic’ coding you had inherited a self-sabotagingblueprint for making 95% of your choices?
What if I was to show you how your hopes, dreams and goals are hijacked by your subconscious mind, a super-powerful computer? And what if, by becoming aware of this, it wouldlead you to reclaim your authentic self, and live your life beyond your wildest dreams?
This is a must–read, fun and easy-to-follow book that will wake you up to the fact that we have been enslaved by our subconscious minds (a.k.a. The Matrix). This book shows you how to make clear-headed decisions that will take you to what you REALLY want out of life, and how to go about re-coding your own mind so things like fogginess and self-sabotage are consigned to the past.
When you purchase the book, you will also receive this downlodable journal for self-analysis and new blueprint planning.
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Anna Berger is the coach you always wanted – someone who has been there at the cutting edge of business and entrepreneurship as a strategic leader, someone who’s awakened to their own resilience and strength of character, someone who sees possibility in every scenario, and someone who cares deeply about helping you to become what you’re capable of becoming.
Anna can transform a company, and, more importantly, she will transform your life.
Anna has committed herself to finding the best thinkers in whatever discipline she’s passionate about and learning from masters, then becoming a master herself. She is a true Renaissance Woman!
When I met Anna she had just come back from a photo shoot. When Anna got interested in photography she didn’t mess around! She went to the top photographers in the world and learned directly from them, then created her own incredible artwork all around the globe for the joy of that creation.
From Oprah to Tony Robbins to Bruce Lipton, Anna connects to thinkers who change the world and make things happen, integrates their thinking with her own and synthesizes it into practical, actionable tools for those she works with.
Now is such a potent time for breaking through our mental programing to create a healthier, more sustainable, more joyful, just and peaceful world.
With much of the globe reeling from economic and health related crises, many of us are stepping back and assessing who we are, what we really care about, and who we wish to become. As poet Mary Oliver asks…‘What will you do with your one wild and precious life?’
Now is your time.
Anna has created a powerful system that enables us to do a deep dive into the masks we wear and the perspectives we’ve adopted over a lifetime, allowing us to wake up and break through to our own greatness and FREEDOM OF MIND to fill our lives with passion and purpose.
I invite you to take the journey that lies ahead in this book, and to really grab hold of the exercises and journaling available to you in this program. It will be just what you were looking for, and nothing like you expected.
Karlin Sloan
CEO, Sloan Group InternationalAuthor of the Amazon #1 bestseller Inspiring Leadership for Uncertain Times, Smarter, Faster, Better, and Lemonade: The Leaders Guide to Resilience at Work